Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Busy teacher

Wow what a busy day, I am so tired that I think I can only go to sleep. Today I had 4 classes, which in fact means 8h of teaching. In the morning I did not have one class, because Camilo, the English teacher, forgot! It is funny because at the beginning of classes he talked to me confirming that he will send a half of class to me ASAP he checks a rooster, but he forgot. Sometimes I think these Chileans live in their own world with their own rules, it is sometimes really hard for European like me to understand this all. The rest of English teachers says he (Camilo) is really ‘special’. Whatever it means, all of them are ‘special’ in some way. I think this is called ‘cultural shock’!

So, what I have learned today:

100 happy days – this thing I find out from Valeria, the girl from 2 Manque (group 2) – she speaks English very well in comparison to her classmates, well maybe except for 2 other boys who are in the group 1 – they are active and interested in speaking. So ‘100 good days’ is about to remember or register an event or person that made you happy that day. Well awesome thing. Beforehand, I heard about things such as ‘100 things you want to do’ or ‘100 things you need in your life’ , so it looks like I made her day today. After classes she approached me and we had a small talk about how to learn language and how to travel. It was amazing, she is really motivated to practice here English. At home she speaks English with her sister who is a tour guide. She says her parents are very proud of her, because she and her sisters can speak so well English. I really enjoyed talking with her and was very pleased to hear I contributed to one of her happy days. In the end she took a picture of me.

One direction – this is a music boys band very popular among young girls, circa 12-14 years old, 7-8 graders. It is like NKOTB from the time when I was young. I need to dig more about this band, probably I will have to prepare some song of their to practise English in class.

The difference between 6th and 10th  graders – You might think should be big. Yeah. So today I had this ‘crazy’ event. I had a 6th grade, group 1. We finished classes and I let them go back to class and ask them to send next group. After 2-3 minutes I see entering class new people looking very different form the kids that just left – well much older. I think to myself, I am not an expert with kids, but they cannot be at the same age. So I ask them which grade are you and it occurs 2nd high school. So another teacher get confused and send student at the wrong time. It is funny how those English teachers are, either they do not pay attention or just don’t care. I do not know, but what do I know if I am just Polish gringa in South America.

Colegio Apumanque

What about home. We did not have an internet and it was 19.03 a day of my mom’s birthday and my dad’s name day and unfortunately I couldn’t call them, so I sent them text messages I hope they will read it.

Of course this little bustard Jutty crapped in the house on the first floor. The same place as usual and of course no one cleaned it. Tomorrow is Thursday so we have a gay guy coming over to do some cleaning so probably everyone leaves a shitty job for him to do.

The great thing we finally got bikes repaired and I will be able to move around. So tomorrow is the first trip on bike to work. I have 7 km to do one way. We will see how hard it will get.

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This entry was posted on March 19, 2014 by in Life in Chile, School and tagged , , , .

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