Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Riding a bike in Chile

Since my bike is fixed now, I can finally go to school on bike. It is only 7 km and straight quite easy looking road. That what I was thinking but the reality was different. I almost died by the time I got to school. I was late, sweating, thirsty and red like a beet. This beautiful road occurred to be a drama, all the way up the hill. At the beginning I was riding on the pavement but then it finished and I had to take a road. However, it was not the best ideas. These micros (local buses) are riding like crazy and bipping all the time. I do not know why they do it, coz they only scare people. After few minutes and a couple of passing (very close) me micros I have decided to back off the road and took some rural path covered with gravel and stones. You could image how easier my cycling became. I though I will stop and stay in the middle between home and school. I was dying. Moreover, after few kilometers of wearing such heavy backpack with my computer some papers, lunch and water my back almost killed me. I stopped 2 times and finally did it, being late about 15 minutes. In the moment I reached school I thought I will leave bike at school and go back home by micro but in the end I also made it home. As a matter of fact the way back home is much easier because this time I was going down the hill. Cycling this 7 km road is not maybe that difficult, but my biggest worry is that is not very safe to take the main road, so I guess during weekend I will check the other road. I was told there is the second road with less number of cars that leads from our house to school. I hope it will be much better because otherwise, its going to be very hard 4 months for me.

La Cruz road to La Calera

La Cruz road to La Calera

On one hand riding the bike on second all day classes with 1st grades made me felt I can do nothing but go sleep. The  1st graders are the worst to manage. They talk in Spanish, do not listen and pay attention. They just do not care about anything. I think this is that age when you think you are grownup, but in fact you are stupid kid. I think I will have to think about some motivation tool because otherwise I will lose my voice and will be speaking to myself.

Today is Thursday so gay cleaning man-Milo is coming to clean the house. He finally got the country I am coming from. Last week he though I was from Colombia. Yeah, I look like 100% Colombian girl. So again he was into talking to me a lot. Like I know Spanish! Anyway again he was staring at me like I was an alien and talking. Later on I found out he is little bit deaf and hears only some parts of the talk, the rest is a result of his imagination. That is why ‘Polonia’ became ‘Colombia’:)

But I must say he surprised my positively with his knowledge of Poland. He knows John Paul II name, Copernicus, Walesa. That is really impressing for person from Chile. Anyway, he again started to have a big conversation asking me about Polish economy, what we are producing etc. I was struggling a lot to have this up level conversation but I can barely say a simple sentence in Spanish and he thinks I will be talking about natural resources and economy. So I though the best thing will be to say ‘Permiso’ (Excuse me, Chileans use it a lot in many situation, when they leave conversation, leave room to go to bathroom, grab some food from the table that is close to other person, etc.) and go upstairs to my room and stay there for the rest of a evening. Anyway I was so tired that I event was not hungry and go to sleep at 9 pm.

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This entry was posted on March 20, 2014 by in Life in Chile and tagged , , , , , , .

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