Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Chilean seafood paradox

Chile – 4270 km long coastline – you would think this country is all about a seafood – fish, shrimps, clams, etc. Before I came to Chile I though this must be a real seafood paradise and Chileans very healthy and slim people. Moreover, one of the top food in here in Chile is sushi. It is so funny how they pronounce it – “suchi”. The first time I heard it I had no freaking idea what are they talking about. It occurred they mean “sushi” but as I shortly after found out it is really   “suchi”.

Chile, Mercado Central, seafoodWell, wrapping up all ‘sea facts’ – mostly coast – a lot of seafood, Chileans love sushi, so I think – it will be my paradise and I will be eating delicious seafood all day long. But, then the reality hit. Ask an average Chilean what seafood he/she likes. And he/she would respond: “what?, a seafood?, I hate it, disgusting, the only seafood I eat is tuna”, and of course from a can. The best tuna is of course in palta (it is called Palta Reina – which is a half of avocado filled with tuna, also sometimes tuna is mixed with onion and mayo). When you ask Chileans what food they like the most they would tell you no 1. Sandwich/hot dog, 2. Sushi 3. Meat. Yes, now we go back to sushi made by Chile. So you think, they must like a raw seafood. And then you go to some sushi restaurant in the town. You will find a one very easily since they are very popular all over the Chile. Event in the countryside where I am living there is one. So, you got into the restaurant, order sushi, and… you get: instead of nori weed you got , guess what …, of course paltas, sushi roll is covered with paltas. And inside, well, Chileans say they do not really like seafood in their sushi, so instead they put a chicken, cream cheese, yes cream cheese. Have you ever eaten cream cheese in sushi. Oh yeah, and they really love the last one, they say it’s the best sushi. So now it makes sense to call “sushi” “suchi”. This is a real taste of Chile.

I call it Chilean food paradox. No one eats seafood in the country where seafood is easily available and very cheap and also very healthy. Instead, they eat everything that is the least healthy – potatoes, potato chips, bread, rise, mayo and of course suchi with cream cheese.

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