Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Chilean palm tree

For the beginning, quick update about the cat health condition. It still remains sick. Today it shitted first in the basket located in the kitchen. After, it did another caca on the sofa in the living room. Yes, cat is sick, but no one takes it to see a doctor. Probably it will be cheaper to buy a new sofa.

Anyway, switching to the main point of a day. Today we went to the countryside. My family told me they have a parcel – a piece of land in the countryside. This parcel is quite high, up to the hill, so one needs to have a good car to get there. However, we were to go with Sara’s old, broken car (I am still wondered how this car runs, although all the time the car makes terrible noise, but noone cares to repair it ). We were to pick up coconuts. It sounded interesting to mer because so far I have not seen anywhere coconuts to buy. It seems they are not eaten here, however you can see quite many cosmetics with coconut essence. Since I love a lot coconuts I was really happy to taste some Chilean coconut.

Once we ere driving there, it is approximately around 20 minutes driving from our house, It occurred we are entering Park zone – the La Campana National Park. Well, quite interesting having a piece of land in the National Park! Once we entered the Park zone, we were asked to sign in and tell the number of the owned parcel. The area is closed and guarded.

As my Chilean mom later told me, we did not enter parcel they own but some other common zone, because it would be impossible to get to the parcel with the car we were driving. So we got into the park. It was really beautiful, a lot of very high palm trees, green trees and bushes and all surrounded by mountains view.

Chilean palm

We took a walk around to find coconuts. To be honest I was expecting quite big coconut, the one you can find in other parts of the world like in Asia or Caribbean. However, what I saw surpassed me a lot. The yellow fruit with size of very small plum. When you peel it the 2-3 cm size nut shows up. Just like any nut, it has strong shell, so you need a stone to open it. And inside, well, just regular coconut – water and white flesh. It is funny micro version of regular coconut, with the same taste.

The palm, so called wine palm or coquito palm (Jubaea chilensis, palma Chilena in Spanish) is very unique in the world. It is also among the highest palm trees in the world, up to around 25-30 meters. It has big, strong branches, so you have to be very careful not to be hit by falling one. Its fruits grow in the form of bunch, just like grapes and are covered with yellow skin. When ready fall down on the ground and – how I pretty fast found out – they are the favourite food of local squirrels, who east white meet and leave empty shells. The palm is native for the Central region of Chile and the Campana National Park is the best representation of Chilean palm forest.

Chilean coconut

Chilean coconut (ES: Coquito)

The palm, so called wine palm or coquito palm (Jubaea chilensis, palma Chilena in Spanish) is very unique in the world. It is also among the highest palm trees in the world, up to around 25-30 meters. It has big, strong branches, so you have to be very careful not to be hit by falling one.  Its fruits grow in the form of bunch, just like grapes and are covered with yellow skin. When ready fall down on the ground and – how I pretty fast found out – they are the favourite food of local squirrels, who east white meet and leave empty shells. The palm is native for the Central region of Chile and the Campana National Park is the best representation of Chilean palm forest.

The most popular product in Chile made of the palm tree is Palm Honey (ES: miel de palma). The palm honey is made of the palms sap, which is boiled and made into syrup. In fact palm’s honey taste more like a syrup than honey just like crane syrup, so equally sweet. The palm honey has a strong brown colour and more liquid than honey consistency.

The palm forest looked really amazing with their massive, dry high trees, I had no idea I live in the region with couch unique flora. I also discovered located in the neighbourhood the Campana National Park, which I am planning too explore in nearest future.

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