Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

The national day of completo

I guess I do not have to introduce to anyone the one of the most popular fast foods – hot-dog. Pretty easy to make and hunger saver after all night all parties. Simply, a bun, sausage and ketchup or mustard. Right, that is a hod-dog you will expect in the most countries around the world. But not in Chile. Here a hot-dog means something totally different – it is the national food that for 5 years has its own fest – the May 23.

So what is so special about Chilean hod-dog?

First, it has distinctive name – Completo (Spanish for “complete”, “total”) – I have not found out why but maybe because it is complete – has it all or maybe it makes you completely full (p.s. circa 500kcal) Secondly – everyone in Chile loves it, it is national symbol of food, this no trip to Chile is complete without trying one.

Let me introduce you to a Completo.

Long bun, sausage (it is called vienesa), sauerkraut, palta (avocado), mayonnaise – this is a basic version, so called the Clásico. And as all in Chile although someone might call it completito, the size will definitely leave you full for long time.

Source: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c4/a5/36/c4a536c303cf7b2d56508fdcc6509232.jpg


Since completo is both popular and important, there a many varieties available. However, the basic and most popular are:

  • Italiano (Italian): has additional tomatoes.
  • Tomate mayo (Tomato-mayo): As its name suggests, it’s classic version with chopped tomatoes and mayonnaise. Also called “completo sin palta” (completo without avocado).
  • As (Ace): A variant version of “Italiano” but instead of vienesa it consists of cuts of “churrasco” (grillet meat).


The origins

There is not a clear story behind the birth of completo. Most agree that completo has their origins in the American hotdog – pan and sausage as a base with Chilean exclusive toppings. According to a 2003 report in Chilean newspaper La Cuarta, complete arrival in Chile was around 1920, when businessman Eduardo Bahamondes Muñoz opened a cafe near Santiago’s central square, Plaza de Armas.

What is the best place to get completo?

The most famous fast food restaurant chain available around Chile is Dominó. It has over 15 types of completo. The most classic one is Vienesa Dominó with red sauce (diced onion and parsley), tomatoes and mayo.


So why completes are so popular?

I guess because they are cheap, easy to prepare, have all ingredients Chileans love so much, such as pan and avocado.

If you become a fun of completo, check other places also very popular for complete and pick your favorite one. Here is a list of the 8 best complete places in Santiago.

Source: http://www.cositasricasilustradas.blogspot.com/2012/05/completo-la-chilena.html

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