Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Chuchoca bread

South american bread made of cornmeal very popular in Chile called chuchoca. Ingridients: 2 cups chuchoca 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon SALT 2 eggs 1 container plain yogurt (170 … Continue reading

March 20, 2015 · Leave a comment

Turkey cazuela with chuchoca squares

Cazuela from Spanish means cooking pot, stewpot. It is a general name given to a South American soup cooked generally with meat and big variety of veggies. Here in Chile … Continue reading

March 7, 2015 · Leave a comment

Chuchoca, a sister of polenta

It is not surprise that both corn and potato are typical food of the South America. For most of us from Europe, corn is known mostly in a canned form usually … Continue reading

March 1, 2015 · Leave a comment

Vicuña – the smallest camel cousin

Many of my friends when think about Chile or Peru have mostly one picture in their mind – mountains and deer liked animales climbing around which they call llamas. After … Continue reading

July 18, 2014 · Leave a comment

Atacama – how to get there

Getting to Atacama Desert is possible in many ways depending on how much money, time you have or from where you are going and what is your next planned destination … Continue reading

June 25, 2014 · Leave a comment

Chilean mussels

I come from Poland. The country with access to the Baltic Sea in the North and mountains in the South. I happened to be born and live in the Southern … Continue reading

June 1, 2014 · Leave a comment

The national day of completo

I guess I do not have to introduce to anyone the one of the most popular fast foods – hot-dog. Pretty easy to make and hunger saver after all night all … Continue reading

May 23, 2014 · Leave a comment

Do Chileans like everything small?

The first confusion on my arrival to my Chilean family. What is the name of my Chilean mom: “Sara or Sarita”. How should I call her? Does it mean the … Continue reading

May 21, 2014 · Leave a comment


Every year over 90 000 tons of chochayuyo are harvested in Chile, however its consumption by local people is slight. The majority is exported to the international markets looking for … Continue reading

May 13, 2014 · Leave a comment


Seafood varieties you can find here in Chile is amazing. I am still confused and have huge difficulties with recognizing each of them. But there is one of these ocean … Continue reading

May 6, 2014 · Leave a comment

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