Polish girl living in Chile with Chilean family

Simple diary made by Polish girl living in avocado capital of Chile describing living in Chile, with Chilean family, adjusting to the culture, language and differences

Volunteering in Chile – English Opens Door Program

Are you recent graduate, or maybe you just want to take a small break in your life? Have you mastered English, like working with kids and enjoy travelling and knowing other cultures? If you answer YES, this opportunity is for you. Become English teacher volunteer and come to Chile to help local students master English. Join the wonderful Program that for over 10 years is bringing amazing volunteers to give Chilean students opportunity to learn English in a fun and engaging way. Take your chance to know South American culture, learn language and travel around one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

What it is?

07The English Opens Doors Program is an initiative from the Chilean Ministry of Education, supported by the United Nations Development Program. The aim of the Program is to seek volunteers to teach English under the supervision of Chilean teachers in public schools throughout Chile, working with students from 5th grade to 12th grade

How it works?

You work as a volunteer not a teacher, which means your job is to encourage students to speak English. You support Chilean EFL teachers to reinforce English instruction in an “All English”, activity-based class. You are not left alone.

You have your head teacher and other English teachers in your school you help you and support you. You as a volunteer work 24 pedagogical hours per week teaching in the classroom. Moreover you spend additional 11 hours per week to plan lessons and execute extracurricular activities, e.g. Preparing student for Spelling Bee or Public Speaking contests.

English classes

English classes

Who can apply?

  • Near-native and native English speaker
  • 21-35 years old
  • With Bachelor’s degree obtained in an accredited university (you do not have to be certified teacher!)
  • Mentally and physically 
capable of teaching children
  • Highly committed, responsible, and flexible


What are my responsibilities as a volunteer?

  • You are required to work 35 hours a week in and for classes, and for your school community.
    • 24 pedagogical hours teaching class activities in an all-English environment.
    • 11 hours total of lesson planning, facilitating extra-curricular activities for students, participating in English Opens Doors Program student development initiatives such as Debates, Spelling Bee, or Public Speaking.
  • You are typically required to participate in at least one English Winter Camp. This initiative is typically one of the most anticipated aspects of the volunteer service!
Quillota Spelling Bee 2014

Quillota Spelling Bee 2014


What are benefits for me as volunteer?

  • Accommodations and meals with a host family
  • CLP 65,000 per month served
  • Assistance obtaining a free Temporary Residence Visa and Chilean 
I.D. card
  • Round-trip transportation from Santiago to the regional placement site
  • In-country health insurance
  • Pre-departure information and support
  • Airport transfers upon arrival to Chile
  • Classroom and professional experience
  • Spanish E-Learning course and BULATS certification test
  • Volunteer training week in Santiago (including introduction to TEFL, Chilean Education System)
Selfie - Vina del Mar Winter Camp 2014

Selfie – Vina del Mar Winter Camp 2014

How much I have to pay?

There are no program fees for any of our volunteers!

The Program fully supports your stay in Chile. The only financial responsibility you have to make is to buy a ticket to and from your country and bear all your personal expenses while in Chile, e.g. travelling around country.


When to apply?

Since Chile is located on the South part of the Earth, seasons are reversed in comparison to Poland. The school year (first semester) starts in March and finish in July followed by 2 weeks of winter holidays. The second semester starts in the late July and finish in December. Thus volunteer services are adjust to Chilean school system. Below there is detailed schedule for the 2015 volunteer services.

How to apply?

First go the centrodevoluntarios website and carefully read the application process steps. You will have to fill out the on-line application form, submit required documents and if you meet all requirements you will be invited for the Skype interview with Program member. If you are lucky and will be accepted, you will receive the confirmation of participation with further instructions regarding visa process and pre-departure stuff.


Where can I find more details about the Program?

National Volunteer Center is in charge of the Program. You can visits their website: www.centrodevoluntarios.cl

sent e-mail: 
Voluntarios@mineduc.cl or visit their social profiles:


For resources and news while in-country, visit the Volunteer Section of the English Opens Doors Program website, known in Chile as Programa Inglés Abre Puertas (PIAP) http://www.ingles.mineduc.cl


Get the Program detailed information from Alumni

I am a former Program volunteer staying in Chile for one semester during service 1 in 2014. Participating in the Program was for me a wonderful experience that changed my life a lot. Thus, I decided to become an alumni to spread the word about the Program and encourage young people at the beginning of their careers to take a chance and go teach English in Chile. I am here to help any future volunteer – to answer all their questions, give the most full and accurate information and advices. You can contact me anytime you want:

Email: kowalikan@gmail.com

Facebook: kowalikan

I also invite you to read my blog about my life in Chile – Mi vida palta –  where you can find both my teaching experience but also every-day-life things in this wonderful country. You can also visits y blog’s fan page with instant updates about Chile (https://www.facebook.com/mividapalta).


For more former voluntarios experience visit centrovoluntarios alumni section.


Interscolar Spelling Bee, Vina del Mar 2014

With my students – 3rd place winner for the Interscolar Spelling Bee, Vina del Mar 2014


Program resources

For the gee real information, application details abad form as well as alumni stories visits – http://www.centrodevoluntarios.cl.

I also encourage you to see a wonderful spot about the Program presenting all of the best about the Program:


If seeking for more details, see the Program presentation:

And the Program Brochure


Take your life chance and apply now!

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